Taking Care is the name of the safeguarding policy and programme of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. The aim is to create and promote a safe environment for all. We believe that next to proclaiming God’s Word and the love of Christ, nothing could be more important than keeping our children and young people safe.
On Tuesday 1st October there will be a Drop In clinic for the completion of the Access NI forms, which requires original documentation to be shown to the Designated Person (Audrey Stewart) or the Interim Minister (Heather Rendell). These need to be copied and signed. All persons working with
Under 18s and vulnerable adults must have completed Foundation Level
Safeguarding and have the Access NI form submitted. Audrey, Heather and
Denise will be in the Church Halls on 1 October between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. to enable all our volunteers to finalise this process.
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